Download the MUST-HAVE guide price document for typical safari tours — includes the things to be aware of that can affect the price you pay…
(produced by Kenyan safari tour expert with 20+ experience & direct insider knowledge of the safari tour industry)

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About the Guide
This price guide will help you get a realistic sense of the cost of a Safari tour in Kenya, including:
2024 Price Guides for Typical Safari Tours
From 3 Day Safari Tours to 14 Day Safari Tours.
7 Common Factors That affect The Quality & Price of a Safari
I reveal the seven main factors that you should consider before you book your Safari tour.
How To Budget Your Safari
You’ll get helpful tips and questions to consider when planning for and budgeting for your Safari.

“The guide really help me understand what to consider when planning and budgeting my kenya safari. It brought up things I hadn’t thought of before, that made a big difference.”
–Danielle Newton, Canada

About Me (The Author)
Gurmukh Singh
I’m 3rd generation Kenyan Asian. I was born-and-bred in Kenya. Both my parents were also born-and-bred in Kenya… and my maternal and paternal grandparents emigrated from India to East Africa in the late 1800’s. So, you could say Kenya is in my blood. It’s my home. It’s always been my home. And I love the country.
Before, setting up My Kenya Travel (my boutique booking company for all-things-safari in Kenya) I spent about 20 years working for other Safari companies in various capacities.
Suffice to say, I know the Safari business intimately and all about the Safari business (from the budget-end right the way up to the bespoke luxury-end).
I hope the price guide I have written here, helps you get a realistic sense of the cost of a Safari.